Belly fat is principally high because of High Insulin, Cortisol and Estrogen in Men and Women both. The common reasons for it are liquor, high-carb intake and sedentary lifestyle and high consumption of processed food .
In the cases like Insulin resistance , the insulin is high yet the cells are still starving to get efficient glucose from the blood as the insulin isn’t recognized by the cells. The other hormone, glucagon, discharges feeling that the glucose is very low and pushes the glycogen stores to release glucose in blood to take care of the cells. With a lot of glucose in the blood and not getting used by the body for energy, the overabundance glucose gets stores as visceral fat in abdomen
Same is the situation with cortisol (stress hormone), when high, it powers the glucose discharge by glucagon and increase as abdominal fat.
More body fat , alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, excess carbs also increases female dominant hormone in Men called Estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that accumulates fats , that is why beer belly is quite common in men. In some even Man Boobs.
So, how to work on these factors –
- 1-First , Cleanse your liver especially if you have beer belly or pot belly. When liver is clogged, it accumulates a lot of water in abdomen (ascitis). Have moderate protein and fats (not high), cut down abundance carbs, have more vegetables. This shows a great deal of progress in belly fat.
- The above strategy will also work on improving Insulin resistance. Eat good quality yet moderate fats and proteins like ghee, coconut, olives, avocado, free range eggs, grass-fed organic dairy.
- Strictly stay away from Alcohol and caffeine.
- Have a good routine and eat food on time. No late nights.
- 5-Avoid sitting for longer hours, move each one hour and exercise at least 4-5days in a week.