Firstly, Check your Thyroid levels if you aren’t losing the weight in spite of all your CONSISTENT efforts, if you have excessive hair fall and if you feel like you have no motivation to do some basic things in life.
And if you find out you have Thyroid issues, then honestly, CUT BACK DRASTICALLY on gluten from Upma, bread and rotis.
Gluten is not good for those who have auto immune Thyroid (80 % of the cases)
The molecular structure of gliadin which is the protein portion in Wheat resembles the molecular structure of the thyroid gland. “This is called molecular mimicry”
When wheat is getting digested, the gliadin reaches your gut barrier (Stomach lining) and enters the blood stream. Your immune system starts to attack it looking at it as a foreign body (This is your immune systems primary job) but in the process it also attacks your thyroid tissue since they both look so similar. And that’s what is called an “Auto immune attack” So your healthy thyroid tissue gets attacked and more problems occur with your thyroid gland.
EXCESSIVE consumption of Gluten can also turn on your genes that carry the predisposition of auto immune conditions.
The problem is how most people overlook results and go just by reference ranges. Sometimes you have sub-clinical Hypothyroidism and you’re totally unaware. Most often that’s hashimotos and even that’s goes undiagnozed.
To get a complete picture, please ask your endocrinologist to run the following tests.
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), the ideal range is between 1 and 2 m IU/ ml
- Free T4 and free T3 (the inactive and the active hormone)
- Thyroid antibodies (TPO and TG), most often you don’t check this and hashimotos can go undiagnozed
- Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) In some difficult cases. A 24-hour urine test for free T3, which can be helpful in hard-to-diagnose cases.