Nutriheal By Neha Sachdeva Tue, 11 Oct 2022 09:43:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nutriheal 32 32 Difference Between Chia Seed & Sabja Seeds Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:23:05 +0000 Explaining the difference between these two in simplified way so that you will know what to choosešŸ˜ƒā£
Sabja (also known as basil seeds)- black in color and round in appearance.ā£
Chia- grey, white, black in color, oval in shape and slightly bigger than Sabja seeds.ā£
Sabja- swell up instantly after soaking in water. Sabja swell up after mixing with water by forming a translucent coat around them. ā£
chia- take time to absorb water. Chia can absorb 10 times their weight and usually settle down by forming a gel-like texture at the bottom of the glass.ā£
Way of consumption
One can consume chia seeds either raw or soaked, but one can only consume sabja seeds after they are soaked in water.ā£
Both are rich in antioxidants, fiber, calcium, protein and many other key nutrients. While Chia is a good source of omega-3, basil seeds contain good amounts of iron.ā£
Chia- no taste of its own.ā£
Sabja- have a mild flavor of basil.ā£
How to take it?ā£
I have already made a reel on this. Please check on my feed. I’ll also share on my stories today.ā£
Health benefitsā£
Chia-Aids in digestion and prevents constipation. Boost both energy and immunity & promotes heart health.ā£
Sabja-Helps prevent acidity and acts as a coolant for the stomach. Improves blood circulation and the quality of the blood & helps in improving blood sugar levels.ā£
Which is better for weight loss?ā£
The main benefit of both the seeds is their ability to make you feel satiated, which means they fill you up easily and hence, you tend to avoid unnecessary snacking throughout the day.

They both have a low amount of calories and work more or less the same way, but chia seeds prove to be more effective when it comes to studies and researchšŸ§ If you are not getting chia seeds then sabja is also a good option. ā£
Final verdictā£
No amount of chia or sabja seeds can help you if your diet is not right. Focus on your overall diet which can give you good resultsšŸ‘ā£

GLUTEN AND THYROID. SPECIALLY HASHIMOTOS! Tue, 11 Oct 2022 07:12:18 +0000 Firstly, Check your Thyroid levels if you arenā€™t losing the weight in spite of all your CONSISTENT efforts, if you have excessive hair fall and if you feel like you have no motivation to do some basic things in life.
And if you find out you have Thyroid issues, then honestly, CUT BACK DRASTICALLY on gluten from Upma, bread and rotis.

Gluten is not good for those who have auto immune Thyroid (80 % of the cases)
The molecular structure of gliadin which is the protein portion in Wheat resembles the molecular structure of the thyroid gland. ā€œThis is called molecular mimicryā€
When wheat is getting digested, the gliadin reaches your gut barrier (Stomach lining) and enters the blood stream. Your immune system starts to attack it looking at it as a foreign body (This is your immune systems primary job) but in the process it also attacks your thyroid tissue since they both look so similar. And that’s what is called an ā€œAuto immune attackā€ So your healthy thyroid tissue gets attacked and more problems occur with your thyroid gland.

EXCESSIVE consumption of Gluten can also turn on your genes that carry the predisposition of auto immune conditions.

The problem is how most people overlook results and go just by reference ranges. Sometimes you have sub-clinical Hypothyroidism and youā€™re totally unaware. Most often thatā€™s hashimotos and even thatā€™s goes undiagnozed.

To get a complete picture, please ask your endocrinologist to run the following tests.

  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), the ideal range is between 1 and 2 m IU/ ml
  • Free T4 and free T3 (the inactive and the active hormone)
  • Thyroid antibodies (TPO and TG), most often you donā€™t check this and hashimotos can go undiagnozed
  • Thyroid-releasing hormone (TRH) In some difficult cases. A 24-hour urine test for free T3, which can be helpful in hard-to-diagnose cases.
How to Reduce Belly Fat? Tue, 11 Oct 2022 06:49:21 +0000 Belly fat is principally high because of High Insulin, Cortisol and Estrogen in Men and Women both. The common reasons for it are liquor, high-carb intake and sedentary lifestyle and high consumption of processed food .

In the cases like Insulin resistance , the insulin is high yet the cells are still starving to get efficient glucose from the blood as the insulin isn’t recognized by the cells. The other hormone, glucagon, discharges feeling that the glucose is very low and pushes the glycogen stores to release glucose in blood to take care of the cells. With a lot of glucose in the blood and not getting used by the body for energy, the overabundance glucose gets stores as visceral fat in abdomen

Same is the situation with cortisol (stress hormone), when high, it powers the glucose discharge by glucagon and increase as abdominal fat.

More body fat , alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, excess carbs also increases female dominant hormone in Men called Estrogen. Estrogen is a hormone that accumulates fats , that is why beer belly is quite common in men. In some even Man Boobs.

So, how to work on these factors –

  1. 1-First , Cleanse your liver especially if you have beer belly or pot belly. When liver is clogged, it accumulates a lot of water in abdomen (ascitis). Have moderate protein and fats (not high), cut down abundance carbs, have more vegetables. This shows a great deal of progress in belly fat.
  2. The above strategy will also work on improving Insulin resistance. Eat good quality yet moderate fats and proteins like ghee, coconut, olives, avocado, free range eggs, grass-fed organic dairy.
  3. Strictly stay away from Alcohol and caffeine.
  4. Have a good routine and eat food on time. No late nights.
  5. 5-Avoid sitting for longer hours, move each one hour and exercise at least 4-5days in a week.
Seed Cycling Tue, 11 Oct 2022 06:39:15 +0000 WHAT IS SEED CYCLING?

Yes, I have made an elaborate post on what it is and have put it up in my Instagram stories for you to read it, if you have unnoticed


There are many benefits to seed cycling. The seeds used are incredibly nutritious, rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Also, for some, they may see more regular cycles, improved fertility, or lessening menopause symptoms.


You may notice a benefit in as little as 30 days, but it can take up to 90 days for you to see any difference


The seeds can be taken raw, that is best recommended, as roasting could potentially destroy the healthy fats, store your seeds in the fridge if they are ground


I think seed cycling is probably the most beneficial in the realm of fertility. Iā€™ve seen it work too many times not to believe it doesnā€™t support optimal hormone health. In the case of fertility, itā€™s providing a lot of extra healthy fats and vitamin-rich seeds, which is optimal for fertility.


If you start menstruating while breastfeeding, seed cycling may help to regulate your hormones. If you are exclusively breastfeeding and have not had a cycle, I wouldnā€™t think seed cycling would make a big difference

NATURAL WAY TO DETOX Sun, 03 Jul 2022 13:43:10 +0000 We’ve all heard we must cleanse our bodies from time to times, following the days of binge eating or after a holiday. We are taught that detoxification is essential to eliminate toxic substances from our body and there are plenty of detox diets available on the internet today.

Do we really need to cleanse? Do detox diets actually work?

Do not worry, I am not going to advise you to stick to an extravagant diet regimen or a flimsy program. Let’s go a bit into the details to learn more.

We must first realize that our body’s organs work all the time. The liver, kidneys and intestines are a true star when it comes to detoxification.

To be more specific, the kidneys are tiny kidneys with a shape of a bean that collects all waste. They remove toxic waste and toxins from your body, in the form of urine. Your liver is responsible for coordinating the bloodstream, doing almost the same thing. The small intestine is responsible for breaking down food, and then aids in helping the bloodstream absorb nutrients. Following that, your large intestine processes any waste that remains and transforms it into stool.

While these exotic and strict detox diets chock packed with green juices and smoothies might offer an extra amount of minerals and vitamins but they can also starve you and reduce your intake of an adequate diet. There is no evidence to show that they aid in flushing toxins out from the body.

Do you need to go on the detox diet or should you not?

The answer is yes it is not possible to detoxify your body with artificial means. It’s an untruth. However, the positive side lies in the fact that you can make adjustments to diet and lifestyle which can support and boost your body’s detoxification processes in a safe and sustainable manner.

If you adhere to these guidelines it will help you detox your body throughout the day.

1. Choose your dining time

The time you eat your meal is just as important as the food you consume. I suggest setting a time-based eating routine, in which you eat in an 8-hour window throughout the day and then fast for 16 hours.

The intervals between eating and fasting may differ for different individuals. Therefore, experiment to see which one works best for you. The most important thing is to not restrict yourself to food, but instead look for the perfect balance.

2. Consume fermented and raw food each day

It is recommended to include freshly picked fruit and vegetables into your diet daily Also, you should include items that are fermented, such as curd, idli dhokla Kanji, pickles, and kefir. This assists in the development of beneficial bacteria, leading to better gut health which helps to promote the elimination of waste in a healthy way.

3. Be aware of your intake of fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins that are fat soluble originate from fats. Vitamins A, D, E and K are crucial to the body, but since they remain in your liver for extended durations of time and are stored in the liver for long periods of time, they increase the risk of poisoning when consumed in excess.

If you’re a healthy person who eats healthy, balanced meals the odds of getting ill are minimal. However, taking supplements which contain high amounts of vitamin A, D, E and K could cause the development of toxicity.

4. Concentrate on a eating a plant-based diet

If you’re not a vegetarian be sure to include plants-based food items to your diet, too. Non-vegetarians’ diets contain the highest levels of toxins, and it is crucial to reduce consumption if the aim is to aid in helping the liver relax.

Therefore, focus on having an appropriate balance of animal and plant source food.

5. Avoid refined or processed food items

Say no to white sugar, vegetable oils, refined flour, any other high-processed or packaged products. It is not beneficial since the majority of minerals and nutrients are taken from it, and what you are left with is empty calories’.

This could dramatically increase the risk of numerous diseases, including diabetes, obesity and heart conditions that affect organs that are responsible for detoxification including the kidneys and liver.

6. Make sure to drink plenty of water

It is vital to stay hydrated in order to sustain good body functions. Make concoctions with jeera or ajwain or other kinds of infused water to ensure that your body is on an hydration level.

Drinking water infused throughout the day can assist in your body’s natural detoxification process. In addition, it allows your body’s detoxification system to rid waste in your blood.

7. Concentrate on sleeping

Your brain can sleep to reset and recharge its internal resources, as well as get rid of toxic waste byproducts that accumulate throughout the day.

If you’re not sleeping the body doesn’t have enough time to complete these tasks and the toxins accumulate and impact various aspects of your well-being.

8. Be active

I don’t believe I have to discuss the advantages of exercise :), but the reason for this is that physical exercise can reduce inflammation, which allows the body’s system for detoxification to function effectively.

Keep moving and don’t lead an uninvolved lifestyle.

Bottom line

If you implement these suggestions you will not only help your body’s internal detoxification process, but also aid in building a strong immune system, lessen the craving for food, increase your energy levels, and improve your overall health.

Therefore, eat a balanced and healthy diet that is balanced and establish good eating habits. Your body will be rewarded with a continuous detox.

MEAL OUT IN A BALANCED WAY Sun, 03 Jul 2022 13:36:16 +0000 You’re planning to have lunch, dinner or even a Kitty Party, but aren’t wanting to let go of all the effort you’ve put into taking to keep in good shape ?

Utilize these simple tips to eat your meals in a Healthy Way

1 Pre-Party Starvation

The most dangerous thing you can do is go to a gathering without food. This will result in you becoming an uncontrollable eater who is likely devour everything offered to you. It is common for people to choose unhealthy food when they are starving. Opt for a nutritious and healthy snack, such as an apple about 20-30 minutes prior to you arrive at the event. Serotonin levels tend to decrease when you’re starving. This is why you be stressed and anxious when you do not eat for an extended period of time. This is when binge eating gets started.

2 Alcohol Strategy

When it comes to drinking alcohol, ensure that you have a plan in your mind. First rule is that you shouldn’t drink with your friends. If you’ve made a decision to drink alcohol, then stick with the drink. Make sure to drink a glass of water in order to keep well-hydrated. The most important thing is to be slow when drinking and don’t drink when you’re hungry.

3 Pick Light Food

Try grilled, steamed and sauteed fish and meat and stay clear of fried finger food. Don’t eat excessive dips. They’re extremely high in calories. It is also possible to choose salads, but beware of ones that are smothered with sauce. Choose salads with light dressings. 

4 Scan The Menu

The secret to making a smart eating is to take your time and look over the menu. Take a close look and think about what you going to eat, what much you will take in and where you’re planning to sit while eating. These are the important things to take into consideration because they will prevent you from eating too much and prevent your plate from being overloaded with food

Stay Fit, Stay Blessed !

4 healthy foods for IMMUNITY Sun, 03 Jul 2022 13:29:27 +0000 Food choices are the most important factor in supporting our immune system, and living long and healthy lives. It is essential to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet that includes a mixture of carbs, proteins and fats, as well as mineral-rich and vitamin-rich foods is vital. While avoidance of processed and high-sugar food items is essential in general, eating certain foods that boost your immune system is vital to prevent illness. Here are a few foods that increase your immunity, which you must incorporate within your daily diet.


Turmeric is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It has been utilized in traditional medicine for a long time and is often added to meals to help speed the recovery of injuries. It has been proven in numerous studies that curcumin, which is the active ingredient that confers turmeric with its immune-building properties is a naturally occurring chemical that gives the turmeric its distinct yellow color and helps in the treatment of arthritis rheumatoid. Additionally, turmeric is known to have antiviral qualities that help reduce cough. A study suggests that the inclusion of curcumin in your meals can reduce muscle soreness, inflammation caused by exercise and hyperlipidemia. Turmeric contains flavonoids ascorbic acid, zinc and potassium. It has been proven that there are more than 300 vitamins and minerals found in turmeric, making turmeric one of the best foods that boost your immunity


. Yoghurt, probiotic foods like sauerkraut tempeh, kefir sauerkraut and Indian pickles are extremely effective for maintaining the health of your and healthy gut. Yoghurt is an excellent food option because it is rich in active cultures like streptococcus thermophilus as well as lactobacillus bulga. These two bacteria aid in the strength of bones and can also aid digestion. Today , there are many flavoured yoghurts bursting the aisles of the supermarket. These yoghurts contain sweeteners and flavoring ingredients that can be harmful to health, and may also cause allergic reactions.


Protein is essential for building immune system because it aids in create the cells which the immune system operates on. Amino acids are present in protein and play a role for the formation of the foundation for all cell types, which includes the immune cells that combats bacterial and viral infections. Include lean meats such as fish, chicken eggs, as well as legumes beans, pulses and legumes. These are all food sources that can boost the immune system. They should comprise 1/4th of your meal in every main meal (breakfast or lunch as well as dinner). 


Include citrus fruits into a meal plan is a guaranteed method of strengthening your immunity. All citrus fruits and veggies can boost your immune system. Fruits such as oranges, lemons and tangerines as well as vegetables such as broccoli and kale, peppers, include vitamin C Vitamin B magnesium, fiber and flavonoids. Vitamin C helps to prevent iron deficiency, and greatly lowers the chance of contracting illnesses that are chronic and flu. Citrus fruits help keep you well-hydrated and have a low calorie count. The fruits and vegetables have been proven to reduce the risk of kidney disease and cholesterol.


1) LOW-CALORIE FRUIT – A medium-sized apple contains just 95 calories and 0 grams of fat, according to the USDA.

2) WATER-RICH FRUIT – An apple is 85% water.Ā Only 15% of the remaining ingredients are carbs, fat, and protein.

3) FIBER RICH FRUIT – Apple is high in fiber, which helps keep hunger pangs at bay and gives you a feeling of fullness.

4) FRUIT WITH A LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX – This is great news for those with high sugar levels.Ā Apples are high in both soluble as well as insoluble fiber.Ā High blood sugar levels can be balanced by a fiber-rich diet.

5) CONSTIPATION- The best fruit to cure constipation is the apple.

6) KEEP HEART DISEASES AWAY – Studies have shown that apples contain pectin which is good for your heart.Ā Flavonoids in apples also reduce cholesterol levels.

Apples are not only great for weight loss but also reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and illnesses.Ā Research from 2004 entitled “Apple phytochemicals: Their health benefits” shows that the antioxidants, flavonoids, and carotenoids found in apples help to reduce the growth and spread of cancerous cells.


* Raw

* Salad

* Stew OR Halwa

* Smoothies/Shakes/Slushes


Eat the apple at breakfast, or within 1-2 hours of any major meal.

Apples can be used as a pre-workout snack.


Avoid apple juice if you have high blood sugar.Ā Apple juice is low in fiber, so it can make the condition worse.Ā Fiber content alone is responsible for more than half the health benefits associated with an apple.

If you have Chronic Indigestion, be careful eating apples. The apple peel is very difficult to digest.
